
What Determines Gender Identity and How Can Parents Help?

What makes someone feel they have been born into the wrong body? Gender identity is a prominent topic these days thanks to the transgender movement, yet many people are still uncertain about what causes this issue.What is it, exactly, that determines whether an individual thinks of themselves as “male” or “female” or something else or neither of these two options?...[ read more ]

The Caregiver’s Guide to Self-Care

Are you acting as a caregiver to a loved one? Maybe your elderly parent or a spouse or child that is battling a serious illness?According to, 36% of Americans provided unpaid care to another adult with an illness or disability in 2012, and that number has almost certainly climbed as the baby boomer population continues to age.Acting as a...[ read more ]

Tips for Coping with Social Isolation

Humans are social creatures and we don’t do well in isolation. That’s exactly why state penitentiaries punish prisoners by putting them into solitary confinement. It causes them great mental anguish.Many of us have felt like prisoners in solitary confinement over the last couple of months because of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown. And many of us have been feeling...[ read more ]

Coping with Working from Home During COVID-19

How many mornings have you shut off that alarm, wishing you could just work from home in your PJs? Well now many of us are getting our wish thanks to COVID-19.While in theory working from home may seem ideal, the reality for many of us is that it’s, well, kind of a pain. Particularly if you have young children home...[ read more ]

How to Cope with the Stress and Anxiety Caused by COVID-19

If you’re like most people, you are doing your best to stay calm during COVID-19 pandemic. But that can feel incredibly difficult at times. When not worrying about friends and loved one’s health, there’s also the conflicting information provided by the media and the economic ramifications of the virus that have people on edge.Signs of Emotional Distress and 6 Ways...[ read more ]

Is Social Media Bad for Your Mental Health?

Have you been feeling a bit low lately, but you can’t quite put your finger on why? It may have something to do with your social media habits. According to a recent study, social media use can increase depression and loneliness.For years people have suspected that social media use might have an ability to negatively impact our mental well-being. After...[ read more ]

Why Every Man Should See a Therapist

While women are often the ones who seek therapy, typically making up nearly two-thirds of therapy patients, multiple studies have shown that men benefit more from the process. But men rarely seek therapy because they just don’t like the idea of opening up to a stranger and sharing their feelings.Therapy, then, isn’t a very naturally masculine process. But I want...[ read more ]

How Chronic Illness Can Affect Your Mental Health

If you are suffering from a chronic illness, you are not alone. Almost half of the population in the United States is currently battling some form of chronic physical illness. In fact, chronic illness is the number one driver of healthcare costs in America.Some of the most prevalent examples of chronic illnesses are:EpilepsyHIV/AIDSEndometriosisLupusArthritisDiabetesHeart diseaseFibromyalgiaMany people suffering from a chronic illness...[ read more ]

How to Deal with Loneliness Around Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is just around the corner. For many people that means celebrating with their spouse or partner and showing them extra love and attention. But for others, Valentine’s Day is a sad reminder that they are single or are perhaps grieving the recent loss of their significant other.If you are celebrating it alone this year, here are a few...[ read more ]

Is Hypnotherapy Right for You?

Is there a behavior or habit you’ve been trying to change or eliminate but you haven’t had any success? Do you wonder if hypnotherapy may be right for you?A lot of people are intrigued but confused by hypnotherapy, and can you blame them? Most only know the concept from seeing a video of someone making an audience member cluck like...[ read more ]

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